Creation of COVID-19 Local Assistance Matching Grant Program -- Eligibility -- Duties of the office.
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(1) There is established a grant program known as COVID-19 Local Assistance Matching Grant Program that is administered by the office.
(2) The office shall award financial grants to local governments that meet the qualifications described in Subsection (3) to provide support for:
(a) projects or services that address the economic impacts of the COVID-19 emergency on housing insecurity, lack of affordable housing, or homelessness;
(b) costs incurred in addressing public health challenges resulting from the COVID-19 emergency;
(c) necessary investments in water and sewer infrastructure; or
(d) any other purpose authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act.
(3) To be eligible for a grant under this part, a local government shall:
(a) provide matching funds in an amount determined by the office; and
(b) certify that the local government will spend grant funds:
(i) on a purpose described in Subsection (2);
(ii) within the time period determined by the office; and
(iii) in accordance with the American Rescue Plan Act.
(4) As soon as is practicable, but on or before September 15, 2021, the office shall, with recommendations from the review committee, establish:
(a) procedures for applying for and awarding grants under this part, using an online grants management system that:
(i) manages each grant throughout the duration of the grant;
(ii) allows for:
(A) online submission of grant applications; and
(B) auditing and reporting for a local government that receives grant funds; and
(iii) generates reports containing information about each grant;
(b) criteria for awarding grants; and
(c) reporting requirements for grant recipients.
(5) Subject to appropriation, the office shall award grant funds on a competitive basis until December 31, 2024.
(6) Before November 30 of each year, ending November 30, 2025, the office shall submit a report to the Executive Appropriations Committee that includes:
(a) a summary of the procedures, criteria, and requirements established under Subsection (4);
(b) a summary of the recommendations of the review committee under Section 63J-4-803;
(c) the number of applications submitted under the grant program during the previous year;
(d) the number of grants awarded under the grant program during the previous year;
(e) the aggregate amount of grant funds awarded under the grant program during the previous year; and
(f) any other information the office considers relevant to evaluating the success of the grant program.
(7) The office may use funds appropriated by the Legislature for the grant program to pay for administrative costs.