Creation of COVID-19 Local Assistance Matching Grant Program -- Eligibility -- Duties of the office.

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  • (1) There is established a grant program known as COVID-19 Local Assistance Matching Grant Program that is administered by the office.
  • (2) The office shall award financial grants to local governments that meet the qualifications described in Subsection (3) to provide support for:
    • (a) projects or services that address the economic impacts of the COVID-19 emergency on housing insecurity, lack of affordable housing, or homelessness;
    • (b) costs incurred in addressing public health challenges resulting from the COVID-19 emergency;
    • (c) necessary investments in water and sewer infrastructure; or
    • (d) any other purpose authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act.
  • (3) To be eligible for a grant under this part, a local government shall:
    • (a) provide matching funds in an amount determined by the office; and
    • (b) certify that the local government will spend grant funds:
      • (i) on a purpose described in Subsection (2);
      • (ii) within the time period determined by the office; and
      • (iii) in accordance with the American Rescue Plan Act.
  • (4) As soon as is practicable, but on or before September 15, 2021, the office shall, with recommendations from the review committee, establish:
    • (a) procedures for applying for and awarding grants under this part, using an online grants management system that:
      • (i) manages each grant throughout the duration of the grant;
      • (ii) allows for:
        • (A) online submission of grant applications; and
        • (B) auditing and reporting for a local government that receives grant funds; and
      • (iii) generates reports containing information about each grant;
    • (b) criteria for awarding grants; and
    • (c) reporting requirements for grant recipients.
  • (5) Subject to appropriation, the office shall award grant funds on a competitive basis until December 31, 2024.
  • (6) Before November 30 of each year, ending November 30, 2025, the office shall submit a report to the Executive Appropriations Committee that includes:
    • (a) a summary of the procedures, criteria, and requirements established under Subsection (4);
    • (b) a summary of the recommendations of the review committee under Section 63J-4-803;
    • (c) the number of applications submitted under the grant program during the previous year;
    • (d) the number of grants awarded under the grant program during the previous year;
    • (e) the aggregate amount of grant funds awarded under the grant program during the previous year; and
    • (f) any other information the office considers relevant to evaluating the success of the grant program.
  • (7) The office may use funds appropriated by the Legislature for the grant program to pay for administrative costs.

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