Court proceedings.

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  • (1) A dissolved limited liability company that has published a notice under Section 48-3a-706 may file an application with district court in the county where the dissolved limited liability company's principal office is located, or, if the principal office is not located in this state, where the office of its registered agent is located, for a determination of the amount and form of security to be provided for payment of claims that are contingent, have not been made known to the limited liability company, or are based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution but which, based on the facts known to the dissolved limited liability company, are reasonably expected to arise after the effective date of dissolution. Security is not required for any claim that is or is reasonably anticipated to be barred under Subsection 48-3a-706(3).
  • (2) Not later than 10 days after the filing of an application under Subsection (1), the dissolved limited liability company shall give notice of the proceeding to each claimant holding a contingent claim known to the limited liability company.
  • (3) In any proceeding under this section, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent all claimants whose identities are unknown. The reasonable fees and expenses of the guardian, including all reasonable expert witness fees, must be paid by the dissolved limited liability company.
  • (4) A dissolved limited liability company that provides security in the amount and form ordered by the court under Subsection (1) satisfies the limited liability company's obligations with respect to claims that are contingent, have not been made known to the limited liability company, or are based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution, and such claims may not be enforced against a member or transferee that received assets in liquidation.

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