Rescinding dissolution.

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  • (1) A limited liability company may rescind its dissolution, unless a statement of termination applicable to the limited liability company is effective, the district court has entered an order under Subsection 48-3a-701(4) or (5) dissolving the limited liability company, or the division has dissolved the limited liability company under Section 48-3a-708.
  • (2) Rescinding dissolution under this section requires:
    • (a) the consent of each member;
    • (b) if a statement of dissolution applicable to the limited liability company has been filed by the division but has not become effective, the delivery to the division for filing of a statement of withdrawal under Section 48-3a-207 applicable to the statement of dissolution; and
    • (c) if a statement of dissolution applicable to the limited liability company is effective, the delivery to the division for filing of a statement of correction under Section 48-3a-208 stating that dissolution has been rescinded under this section.
  • (3) If a limited liability company rescinds its dissolution:
    • (a) the limited liability company resumes carrying on its activities and affairs as if dissolution had never occurred;
    • (b) subject to Subsection (3)(c), any liability incurred by the limited liability company after the dissolution and before the rescission is effective is determined as if dissolution had never occurred; and
    • (c) the rights of a third party arising out of conduct in reliance on the dissolution before the third party knew or had notice of the rescission may not be adversely affected.

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