Deer and elk management plans -- Division to confer with others -- Target herd size objectives -- Completion date -- Reports.

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  • (1) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall:
    • (a) prepare a management plan for each deer and elk herd unit in the state; and
    • (b) submit the plans to the Wildlife Board for their approval.
  • (2) Upon approval of a plan by the Wildlife Board, the herd unit shall be managed in accordance with the plan.
  • (3) In preparing the plans, the division shall confer with federal and state land managers, private landowners, sportsmen, and ranchers.
  • (4)
    • (a) Each management plan shall establish target herd size objectives.
    • (b) In establishing target herd size objectives, the division and board shall among other factors:
      • (i) consider available information on each unit's range carrying capacity and ownership; and
      • (ii) seek to balance relevant multiple uses for the range.
  • (5) Until a management plan for a herd unit is prepared in accordance with this section and approved by the board, the herd unit shall be managed to maintain the herd size as range conditions and available data dictate.
  • (6)
    • (a) Management plans shall be prepared by the division and approved by the board by the following dates:
      • (i) May 1, 1994 for elk; and
      • (ii) May 1, 1996 for deer.
    • (b) The division shall make:
      • (i) an annual progress report on the management plans to the Energy, Natural Resources and Agriculture Interim Committee until the plans are completed; and
      • (ii) a final report to the committee:
        • (A) at the committee's May 1994 meeting for elk; and
        • (B) at the committee's May 1996 meeting for deer.
  • (7) The management plans may be revised as the division or board determines necessary. Any revised plan shall be prepared in accordance with Subsections (3) and (4).

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