Radar jamming devices and jamming radar prohibited -- Defense -- Exceptions -- Penalties.

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  • (1) As used in this section, "radar jamming device" means any instrument or mechanism designed or intended to interfere with the radar or any laser that is used by law enforcement personnel to measure the speed of a motor vehicle on a highway.
  • (2)
    • (a) A person may not operate a motor vehicle on a highway with a radar jamming device in the motor vehicle.
    • (b) A person may not knowingly use a radar jamming device to interfere with the radar signals or lasers used by law enforcement personnel to measure the speed of a motor vehicle on a highway.
  • (3) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under Subsection (2)(a) that the radar jamming device was in an inoperative condition or could not be readily used at the time of the arrest or citation.
  • (4) This section does not apply to law enforcement personnel acting in their official capacity.
  • (5) A person who violates this section is guilty of an infraction.

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