Specific operational requirements for on-premise banquet license.

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  • (1)
    • (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational Requirements, an on-premise banquet licensee and staff of the on-premise banquet licensee shall comply with this section.
    • (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
      • (i) an on-premise banquet licensee;
      • (ii) individual staff of an on-premise banquet licensee; or
      • (iii) both an on-premise banquet licensee and staff of the on-premise banquet licensee.
  • (2) An on-premise banquet licensee shall comply with Subsections 32B-5-301(4) and (5) for the entire premises of the hotel, resort facility, sports center, convention center, or performing arts facility that is the basis for the on-premise banquet license.
  • (3)
    • (a) For the purpose described in Subsection (3)(b), an on-premise banquet licensee shall provide the department with advance notice of a scheduled banquet in accordance with rules made by the commission.
    • (b) Any of the following may conduct a random inspection of a banquet:
      • (i) an authorized representative of the commission or the department; or
      • (ii) a law enforcement officer.
  • (4)
    • (a) An on-premise banquet licensee is not subject to Section 32B-5-302, but shall make and maintain the records the commission or department requires.
    • (b) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in accordance with this Subsection (4).
  • (5)
    • (a) Except as otherwise provided in this title, an on-premise banquet licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at a banquet only for consumption at the location of the banquet.
    • (b) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(4), a host of a banquet, a patron, or a person other than the on-premise banquet licensee or staff of the on-premise banquet licensee, may not remove an alcoholic product from the premises of the banquet.
    • (c) Notwithstanding Subsection 32B-5-307(3) and except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(4), a patron at a banquet may not bring an alcoholic product into or onto, or remove an alcoholic product from, the premises of a banquet.
  • (6)
    • (a) An on-premise banquet licensee may not leave an unsold alcoholic product at the banquet following the conclusion of the banquet.
    • (b) At the conclusion of a banquet, an on-premise banquet licensee shall:
      • (i) destroy an opened and unused alcoholic product that is not saleable, under conditions established by the department; and
      • (ii) return to the on-premise banquet licensee's approved locked storage area any:
        • (A) opened and unused alcoholic product that is saleable; and
        • (B) unopened container of an alcoholic product.
    • (c) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b) with regard to an open or sealed container of an alcoholic product not sold or consumed at a banquet, an on-premise banquet licensee:
      • (i) shall store the alcoholic product in the on-premise banquet licensee's approved locked storage area; and
      • (ii) may use the alcoholic product at more than one banquet.
  • (7) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-308, an on-premise banquet licensee may not employ a minor to sell, furnish, or dispense an alcoholic product in connection with the on-premise banquet licensee's banquet and room service activities.
  • (8) An on-premise banquet licensee:
    • (a) may provide room service in portions described in Section 32B-5-304;
    • (b) may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at a banquet or in connection with room service any day during a period that:
      • (i) begins at 1 a.m.; and
      • (ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.; and
    • (c) notwithstanding Section 32B-5-305, may provide as room service one alcoholic product free of charge per guest reservation, per guest room, if the alcoholic product:
      • (i) is not a spirituous liquor; and
      • (ii) is in an unopened container not to exceed 750 milliliters.
  • (9)
    • (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (9), a patron may not have more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
    • (b) A patron may not have more than one spirituous liquor drink at a time before the patron.
    • (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under Subsection (9)(a).
  • (10)
    • (a) An on-premise banquet licensee shall supervise and direct a person involved in the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product.
    • (b) A person involved in the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product shall complete an alcohol training and education seminar.
  • (11) A staff person of an on-premise banquet licensee shall remain at the banquet at all times when an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed at the banquet.
  • (12)
    • (a) Room service of an alcoholic product to a guest room or privately owned dwelling unit of a hotel or resort facility shall be provided in person by staff of an on-premise banquet licensee only to an adult guest in the guest room or privately owned dwelling unit.
    • (b) An alcoholic product may not be left outside a guest room or privately owned dwelling unit for retrieval by a guest or resident.
  • (13) An on-premise banquet licensee may not maintain a minibar.

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