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  • (1) "Person" means any individual, organization, group, association, partnership, corporation, or any combination of them;
  • (2) "Professional fund raiser" means any person who for compensation or any other consideration plans, conducts, or manages in this state, the solicitation of contributions for or on behalf of any charitable organization or any other person, or who engages in the business of, or holds himself out to persons in this state as independently engaged in the business of soliciting contributions for such purpose, but shall not include a bona fide officer or employee of a charitable organization;
  • (3) "Professional solicitor" means any person who is employed or retained for compensation by a professional fund raiser to solicit contributions in this state for charitable purposes;
  • (4) "Charitable organization" means any organization that is benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or eleemosynary or one purporting to be such;
  • (5) "Contribution" means the promise or grant of any money or property of any kind or value.

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