Contest of petition by attorney general or county attorney -- Attorney general and county attorney as parties.
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(1) A copy of the petition and order shall be served on the attorney general at least 20 days before the hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, the attorney general shall carefully examine the petition and, if the petition is believed to be defective, insufficient, or untrue, or if, in the attorney general's opinion, a reasonable question exists as to the validity of the bonds, the attorney general shall contest the petition. If neither of those conditions exists or if one or more other parties to the action will, in the attorney general's opinion, competently contest the petition, the attorney general may, upon approval of the court, be dismissed as a defendant.
(2) If the petition is filed by the state or any agency, authority, instrumentality, or institution of the state, the attorney general may not be made a party to the proceeding and notice shall be served on the county attorney in the county in which the largest expenditure of the proceeds of the bonds is expected to be made. That county attorney shall then in all respects perform the role of the attorney general as set forth in this section.
(3) The attorney general or county attorney, as the case may be, may waive his right of appeal and that waiver shall be binding on all successors and assigns.
(4) All costs of the attorney general or county attorney incurred in performing duties imposed by this section shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds if the bonds are issued.