Persons exempt from weapons laws.

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  • (1) Except for Sections 76-10-506, 76-10-508, and 76-10-508.1, this part and Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7, Concealed Firearm Act, do not apply to any of the following:
    • (a) a United States marshal;
    • (b) a federal official required to carry a firearm;
    • (c) a peace officer of this or any other jurisdiction;
    • (d) a law enforcement official as defined and qualified under Section 53-5-711;
    • (e) a judge as defined and qualified under Section 53-5-711;
    • (f) a court commissioner as defined and qualified under Section 53-5-711; or
    • (g) a common carrier while engaged in the regular and ordinary transport of firearms as merchandise.
  • (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the provisions of Section 76-10-528 apply to any individual listed in Subsection (1) who is not employed by a state or federal agency or political subdivision that has adopted a policy or rule regarding the use of dangerous weapons.
  • (3) Subsections 76-10-504(1) and (2), and Section 76-10-505 do not apply to:
    • (a) an individual to whom a permit to carry a concealed firearm has been issued:
      • (i) pursuant to Section 53-5-704; or
      • (ii) by another state or county; or
    • (b) a person who is issued a protective order under Subsection 78B-7-603(1)(b) or 78B-7-404(1)(b), unless the person is a restricted person as described in Subsection 76-10-503(1), for a period of 120 days after the day on which the person is issued the protective order.
  • (4) Except for Sections 76-10-503, 76-10-506, 76-10-508, and 76-10-508.1, this part and Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7, Concealed Firearm Act, do not apply to a nonresident traveling in or though the state, provided that any firearm is:
    • (a) unloaded; and
    • (b) securely encased as defined in Section 76-10-501.
  • (5) Subsections 76-10-504(1) and (2), and 76-10-505(1)(b) do not apply to a person 21 years old or older who may otherwise lawfully possess a firearm.

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