State Farmland Evaluation Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Duties.

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  • (1) There is created a State Farmland Evaluation Advisory Committee consisting of five members appointed as follows:
    • (a) one member appointed by the commission who shall be chairman of the committee;
    • (b) one member appointed by the president of Utah State University;
    • (c) one member appointed by the state Department of Agriculture and Food;
    • (d) one member appointed by the state County Assessors' Association; and
    • (e) one member actively engaged in farming or ranching appointed by the other members of the committee.
  • (2) The committee shall meet at the call of the chairman to review the several classifications of land in agricultural use in the various areas of the state and recommend a range of values for each of the classifications based upon productive capabilities of the land when devoted to agricultural uses. The recommendations shall be submitted to the commission prior to October 2 of each year.

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