Payments by insurers as evidence to the department.

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  • (1) The department may accept evidence of a payment to an operator or owner of a motor vehicle involved in an accident by the insurer of any other person involved in the accident on account of damage to property as effective to relieve the operator from the post-accident security and suspension provisions of this chapter in respect to any claim for property damage by the person on whose behalf the payment has been made. A payment to the insurer of an operator or owner under its right of subrogation is the equivalent of a payment to the operator or owner.
  • (2) The department may accept evidence of a payment on account of bodily injury to a person involved in an accident by the insurer of any other person involved in the accident as effective to relieve the person to whom the payment is made from the post-accident security and suspension provisions of this chapter in respect to any claim for bodily injury by the person on whose behalf the payment is made.

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