Fish Health Policy Board.

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  • (1) There is created within the department the Fish Health Policy Board that shall establish policies designed to prevent the outbreak of, control the spread of, and eradicate pathogens that cause disease in aquatic animals.
  • (2) The Fish Health Policy Board shall:
    • (a) in accordance with Subsection (6)(b), determine procedures and requirements for certifying a source of aquatic animals as health approved, including:
      • (i) the pathogens for which inspection is required to receive health approval;
      • (ii) the pathogens that may not be present to receive health approval; and
      • (iii) standards and procedures required for the inspection of aquatic animals;
    • (b) establish procedures for the timely reporting of the presence of a pathogen and disease threat;
    • (c) create policies and procedures for, and appoint, an emergency response team to:
      • (i) investigate a serious disease threat;
      • (ii) develop and monitor a plan of action; and
      • (iii) report to:
        • (A) the commissioner of agriculture and food;
        • (B) the director of the Division of Wildlife Resources; and
        • (C) the chair of the Fish Health Policy Board; and
    • (d) develop a unified statewide aquaculture disease control plan.
  • (3) The Fish Health Policy Board shall advise the commissioner of agriculture and food and the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources regarding:
    • (a) educational programs and information systems to educate and inform the public about practices that the public may employ to prevent the spread of disease; and
    • (b) communication and interaction between the department and the Division of Wildlife Resources regarding fish health policies and procedures.
  • (4)
    • (a)
      • (i) The governor shall appoint the following seven members to the Fish Health Policy Board:
        • (A) one member from names submitted by the Department of Natural Resources;
        • (B) one member from names submitted by the Department of Agriculture and Food;
        • (C) one member from names submitted by a nonprofit corporation that promotes sport fishing;
        • (D) one member from names submitted by a nonprofit corporation that promotes the aquaculture industry;
        • (E) one member from names submitted by the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture and Food;
        • (F) one member from names submitted by a nonprofit corporation that promotes sport fishing; and
        • (G) one member from names submitted by a nonprofit corporation that promotes the aquaculture industry.
      • (ii) The members appointed under Subsections (4)(a)(i)(E) through (G) shall be:
        • (A)
          • (I) faculty members of an institution of higher education; or
          • (II) qualified professionals; and
        • (B) have education and knowledge in:
          • (I) fish pathology;
          • (II) business;
          • (III) ecology; or
          • (IV) parasitology.
      • (iii) At least one member appointed under Subsections (4)(a)(i)(E) through (G) shall have education and knowledge about fish pathology.
      • (iv)
        • (A) A nominating person shall submit at least three names to the governor.
        • (B) If the governor rejects all the names submitted for a member, the recommending person shall submit additional names.
    • (b) Except as required by Subsection (4)(c), the term of office of board members shall be four years.
    • (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (4)(b), the governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two years.
    • (d) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be appointed for the unexpired term.
    • (e) The board members shall elect a chair of the board from the board's membership.
    • (f) The board shall meet upon the call of the chair or a majority of the board members.
    • (g) An action of the board shall be adopted upon approval of the majority of voting members.
  • (5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
    • (a) Section 63A-3-106;
    • (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
    • (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
  • (6)
    • (a) The board shall make rules consistent with its responsibilities and duties specified in this section.
    • (b) Except as provided by this chapter, rules adopted by the Fish Health Policy Board may be consistent with the suggested procedures for the detection and identification of pathogens published by the American Fisheries Society's Fish Health Section or the World Organisation for Animal Health, Manual for Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals.
    • (c)
      • (i) Rules of the department and Fish Health Policy Board pertaining to the control of disease shall remain in effect until the Fish Health Policy Board enacts rules to replace those provisions.
      • (ii) The Fish Health Policy Board may promptly amend rules that are inconsistent with the current suggested procedures published by the American Fisheries Society or the World Organisation for Animal Health, Manual for Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals.
    • (d) The Fish Health Policy Board may waive a requirement established by the Fish Health Policy Board's rules if:
      • (i) the rule specifies the waiver criteria and procedures; and
      • (ii) the waiver will not threaten other aquaculture facilities or wild aquatic animal populations.

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