Conditions to license, registration, and privilege renewal.

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  • (1) The person deposits or has deposited on his behalf the post-accident security required under Subsection 41-12a-501(1).
  • (2) One year has elapsed following the effective date of the suspension and evidence satisfactory to the department has been filed that during that period no action for damages arising out of the accident has been commenced.
  • (3) Evidence satisfactory to the department has been filed with it of a release from liability, of a final adjudication of nonliability, or of a duly acknowledged written agreement providing for the payment of an agreed amount in installments with respect to all claims for injuries or damages resulting from the accident. In the event of default in the payment of any installment under such an agreement, upon receiving notice of the default, the department shall suspend the license and registration or nonresident's operating privilege of the person defaulting. This license, registration, or nonresident's operating privilege may not be restored until either:
    • (a) The person deposits and thereafter maintains security as required under Subsection 41-12a-501(1).
    • (b) One year has elapsed following the date when the security was required and during that period no action upon the agreement has been instituted in a Utah court.

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