Benefits payable upon death of retired member.

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  • (1) The death benefit payable to a retiree's surviving spouse is an allowance equal to 65% of the allowance which was being paid to the retiree at the time of death.
  • (2)
    • (a) Notwithstanding the amount of the allowance under Subsection (1), at the time of retirement, a retiree may elect to increase the spousal death benefit up to 75% of an allowance computed in accordance with Section 49-18-402.
    • (b) If an election is made under Subsection (2)(a), the member's allowance shall be reduced to an amount payable monthly for life to reflect the actuarial equivalent necessary to pay for the increased spousal death benefit above 65%.
  • (3)
    • (a) A surviving spouse who qualifies for a monthly benefit under this section shall apply in writing to the office.
    • (b) The allowance shall begin on the first day of the month following the month in which the:
      • (i) member or participant died, if the application is received by the office within 90 days of the date of death of the member or participant; or
      • (ii) application is received by the office, if the application is received by the office more than 90 days after the date of death of the member or participant.

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