Property and funds of authority declared public property -- Exemption from taxes -- Alternative agreement with public body.

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  • (1) The property and funds of an authority are declared to be public property used for essential public, governmental, and charitable purposes.
  • (2)
    • (a) Subject to Subsections (2)(b) and (c), the property and authority are exempt from all taxes and special assessments of a public body.
    • (b) This tax exemption does not apply to any portion of a project used for a profit-making enterprise.
    • (c) In taxing these portions appropriate allowance shall be made for any expenditure by an authority for utilities or other public services it provides to serve the property.
  • (3) In lieu of taxes on its exempt property an authority may agree to make payments to a public body if the authority finds that making the payments is consistent with the maintenance of the low-rent character of housing projects and the achievement of the purposes of this part.

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