Boundary commission member terms -- Staggered terms -- Chair -- Quorum -- Vacancy.

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  • (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the term of each member of a boundary commission is four years and begins and expires the first Monday in January of the applicable year.
  • (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the terms of the first members of a commission shall be staggered by lot so that:
    • (a) on a seven-member commission, the term of one member is approximately one year, the term of two members is approximately two years, the term of two members is approximately three years, and the term of two members is approximately four years; and
    • (b) on a five-member commission, the term of two members is approximately two years and the term of the other three members is approximately four years.
  • (3)
    • (a) The members of each boundary commission shall elect as chair a person from their number whose term on the boundary commission does not expire for at least two years.
    • (b) The term of a boundary commission chair is two years.
  • (4) A majority of the commission constitutes a quorum, and commission action requires a majority vote of the commission.
  • (5) Each vacancy on a commission of a member or an alternate member shall be filled for the remaining unexpired term of the vacating member by the body that appointed the vacating member under Section 10-2-409.

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