Public hearing by planning commission on proposed general plan or amendment -- Notice -- Revisions to general plan or amendment -- Adoption or rejection by legislative body.

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  • (1)
    • (a) After completing its recommendation for a proposed general plan, or proposal to amend the general plan, the planning commission shall schedule and hold a public hearing on the proposed plan or amendment.
    • (b) The planning commission shall provide notice of the public hearing, as required by Section 10-9a-204.
    • (c) After the public hearing, the planning commission may modify the proposed general plan or amendment.
  • (2) The planning commission shall forward the proposed general plan or amendment to the legislative body.
  • (3)
    • (a) The legislative body may adopt, reject, or make any revisions to the proposed general plan or amendment that it considers appropriate.
    • (b) If the municipal legislative body rejects the proposed general plan or amendment, it may provide suggestions to the planning commission for the planning commission's review and recommendation.
  • (4) The legislative body shall adopt:
    • (a) a land use element as provided in Subsection 10-9a-403(2)(a)(i);
    • (b) a transportation and traffic circulation element as provided in Subsection 10-9a-403(2)(a)(ii); and
    • (c) for a municipality, other than a town, after considering the factors included in Subsection 10-9a-403(2)(b)(iii), a plan to provide a realistic opportunity to meet the need for additional moderate income housing within the next five years.

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