Creation of Public Lands Litigation Restricted Account -- Sources of funds -- Uses of funds -- Reports.

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Affected by 63I-1-263 on 7/1/2028

Effective 5/14/2019
63C-4a-404. Creation of Public Lands Litigation Restricted Account -- Sources of funds -- Uses of funds -- Reports.
  • (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the Public Lands Litigation Restricted Account.
  • (2) The account created in Subsection (1) consists of money from the following revenue sources:
    • (a) money received by the commission from other state agencies; and
    • (b) appropriations made by the Legislature.
  • (3) The Legislature may annually appropriate money from the account for the purposes of asserting, defending, or litigating state and local government rights to the disposition and use of federal lands within the state as those rights are granted by the United States Constitution, the Utah Enabling Act, and other applicable law.
  • (4)
    • (a) Any entity that receives money from the account shall, before disbursing the money to another person for the purposes described in Subsection (3), or before spending the money appropriated, report to the commission regarding:
      • (i) the amount of the disbursement;
      • (ii) who will receive the disbursement; and
      • (iii) the planned use for the disbursement.
    • (b) The commission may, upon receiving the report under Subsection (4)(a):
      • (i) advise the Legislature and the entity of the commission finding that the disbursement is consistent with the purposes in Subsection (3); or
      • (ii) advise the Legislature and the entity of the commission finding that the disbursement is not consistent with the purposes in Subsection (3).

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