Additional licensure requirements for a bail bond agency.

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  • (1) A person applying for licensure or the reinstatement of a license as a bail bond agency shall, in addition to the requirements of Section 31A-35-401, provide proof that at least one principal of the bail bond agency will have a minimum of 2,000 hours of experience working as an employee of a bail bond agency as a licensed bail bond producer.
  • (2) The applicant shall provide proof of the experience claimed under Subsection (1), including providing:
    • (a) the exact details of the character and nature of the experience on a form provided by the department;
    • (b) a statement by each employer verifying the number of hours the applicant worked for the employer; and
    • (c)
      • (i) federal income reporting forms that account for the wages for hours claimed or documented approval of the claimed hours by the insurance commissioner; and
      • (ii) the total of 2,000 hours may be proved in part by federal income reporting forms and in part by approval by the insurance commissioner.
  • (3) The burden of proving the hours of experience as required in this section is upon the applicant.

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