Property escaping assessment -- Duties of assessing authority -- Property willfully concealed -- Penalties.

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  • (1) Any escaped property may be assessed by the original assessing authority at any time as far back as five years prior to the time of discovery, in which case the assessor shall enter the assessments on the tax rolls and follow the procedures established under Part 13, Collection of Taxes.
  • (2) Any property found to be willfully concealed, removed, transferred, or misrepresented by its owner or agent in order to evade taxation is subject to a penalty equal to the tax on its value, and neither the penalty nor assessment may be reduced or waived by the assessor, county, county Board of Equalization, or the commission, except pursuant to a procedure for the review and approval of waivers adopted by county ordinance, or by administrative rule adopted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.

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