Refusal by taxpayer to file signed statement -- Penalty -- Assessor to estimate value -- Reporting information to other counties.

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  • (1)
    • (a) Each person who fails to file the signed statement required by Section 59-2-306, fails to file the signed statement with respect to name and place of residence, or fails to appear and testify when requested by the assessor, shall pay a penalty equal to 10% of the estimated tax due, but not less than $25 for each failure to file a signed and completed statement.
    • (b) Each penalty under Subsection (1)(a) shall be collected in the manner provided by Sections 59-2-1302 and 59-2-1303, except as otherwise provided for in this section, or by a judicial proceeding brought in the name of the assessor.
    • (c) All money recovered by any assessor under this section shall be paid into the county treasury.
  • (2)
    • (a) Upon a showing of reasonable cause, a county may waive or reduce a penalty imposed under Subsection (1)(a).
    • (b)
      • (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), a penalty under Subsection (1)(a) may be imposed on or after May 16 of the year the statement described in Section 59-2-306 is requested by the county assessor.
      • (ii) A penalty under Subsection (1)(a) may not be imposed until 30 days after the postmark date of mailing of a subsequent notice if the signed statement described in Section 59-2-306 is requested:
        • (A) on or after March 16; or
        • (B) by a county assessor of a county of the first class.
  • (3)
    • (a) If an owner neglects or refuses to file a signed statement requested by an assessor as required under Section 59-2-306:
      • (i) the assessor shall:
        • (A) make a record of the failure to file; and
        • (B) make an estimate of the value of the property of the owner based on known facts and circumstances; and
      • (ii) the assessor of a county of the first class:
        • (A) shall make a subsequent request by mail for the signed statement, informing the owner of the consequences of not filing a signed statement; and
        • (B) may impose a fee for the actual and necessary expenses of the mailing under Subsection (3)(a)(ii)(A).
    • (b) The value fixed by the assessor in accordance with Subsection (3)(a)(i) may not be reduced by the county board of equalization or by the commission.
  • (4) If the signed statement discloses property in any other county, the assessor shall file the signed statement and send a copy to the assessor of each county in which the property is located.

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