Statements by taxpayers -- Power of assessors respecting statements.

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  • (1)
    • (a) The county assessor may request a signed statement from any person setting forth all the real and personal property assessable by the assessor which is owned, possessed, managed, or under the control of the person at 12 noon on January 1.
    • (b) A request under Subsection (1)(a) shall include a notice of the procedure under Section 59-2-1005 for appealing the value of the personal property.
  • (2)
    • (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b) or (c), a signed statement described in Subsection (1) shall be filed on or before May 15 of the year the statement described in Subsection (1) is requested by the county assessor.
    • (b) For a county of the first class, the signed statement described in Subsection (1) shall be filed on the later of:
      • (i) 60 days after requested by the assessor; or
      • (ii) on or before May 15 of the year the statement described in Subsection (1) is requested by the county assessor if, by resolution, the county legislative body of that county adopts the deadline described in Subsection (2)(a).
    • (c) If a county assessor requests a signed statement described in Subsection (1) on or after March 16, the person shall file the signed statement within 60 days after requested by the assessor.
  • (3) The signed statement shall include the following:
    • (a) all property belonging to, claimed by, or in the possession, control, or management of the person, any firm of which the person is a member, or any corporation of which the person is president, secretary, cashier, or managing agent;
    • (b) the county in which the property is located or in which it is taxable; and, if taxable in the county in which the signed statement was made, also the city, town, school district, road district, or other taxing district in which it is located or taxable; and
    • (c) all lands in parcels or subdivisions not exceeding 640 acres each, the sections and fractional sections of all tracts of land containing more than 640 acres which have been sectionized by the United States Government, and the improvements on those lands.
  • (4) Every assessor may subpoena and examine any person in any county in relation to any signed statement but may not require that person to appear in any county other than the county in which the subpoena is served.

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