Aquatic Invasive Species Interdiction Account.

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  • (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Aquatic Invasive Species Interdiction Account.
  • (2) The restricted account shall consist of:
    • (a) nonresident aquatic invasive species fees collected under Section 23-27-304;
    • (b) resident aquatic invasive species fees collected under Section 73-18-26; and
    • (c) any other amount deposited in the restricted account from donations, appropriations, contractual agreements, and accrued interest.
  • (3) Upon appropriation, the division shall use the fees collected under Sections 23-27-305 and 73-18-26 and deposited in the Aquatic Invasive Species Account to fund aquatic invasive species prevention and containment efforts.

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