General duties of county assessor.

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  • (1)
    • (a) Before May 22 each year, the county assessor shall:
      • (i) ascertain the names of the owners of all property that is subject to taxation by the county;
      • (ii) except as provided in Subsection (2), assess the property to the owner, claimant of record, or occupant in possession or control at midnight on January 1 of the taxable year; and
      • (iii) conduct the review process described in Section 59-2-303.2.
    • (b) No mistake in the name or address of the owner or supposed owner of property renders the assessment invalid.
  • (2) If a conveyance of ownership of the real property was recorded in the office of a county recorder after January 1 but more than 14 calendar days before the day on which the county treasurer mails the tax notice, the county assessor shall assess the property to the new owner.
  • (3) A county assessor shall become fully acquainted with all property in the county assessor's county, as provided in Section 59-2-301.

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