Acquisition of aquatic animals for use in fee fishing facilities.
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(1) Live aquatic animals intended for use in fee fishing facilities may be purchased or acquired only from:
(a) aquaculture facilities within the state that have a certificate of registration and health approval number;
(b) public aquaculture facilities within the state that have a health approval number; or
(c) sources outside the state that are health approved pursuant to Part 5, Health Approval.
(a) A person holding a certificate of registration for a fee fishing facility shall submit to the department an annual report of all live fish purchased or acquired.
(b) The report shall contain the following information:
(i) name, address, and certificate of registration number of the seller or supplier;
(ii) number and weight by species;
(iii) date of purchase or transfer; and
(iv) name, address, and certificate of registration number of the receiver.
(c) The report shall be submitted to the department before a certificate of registration is renewed or subsequent certificate of registration is issued.