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  • (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
    • (a) Utah State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an addition to the Laboratory Research Center under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
    • (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
    • (c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
  • (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
    • (a) Utah State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an addition to the Biology/Natural Resources Building under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
    • (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
    • (c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
  • (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
    • (a) Snow College use grants and loans from the Community Impact Board together with other institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an addition to the Activities Center under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
    • (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project;
    • (c) before proceeding with the project, the Board of Regents and the State Building Board review and approve the scope and funding of the project; and
    • (d) the college may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent that the college is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
  • (4)
    • (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities Construction and Management sell the state's interest in the Iron County Correction Facility to Iron County for $2,000,000 according to the terms specified in this Subsection (4).
    • (b) Iron County will pay the state $1,550,000 in cash.
    • (c) To pay the $450,000 balance of the purchase price, Iron County will:
      • (i) provide office space for the Department of Corrections' Adult Probation and Parole in the Iron County Correction Facility for 10 years at no cost to the state of Utah, at an estimated value of $45,000 per year for a total 10 year value of $450,000; and
      • (ii) contract with the Department of Corrections to house 15 state prisoners in the Iron County Correctional Facility for at least five years.
    • (d)
      • (i) The Department of Corrections shall select the 15 prisoners to house at the Iron County Correctional Facility from beds currently under contract in other counties.
      • (ii) Nothing in this section may be construed to authorize or require the Department of Corrections to increase the number of prisoners currently housed in county correctional facilities on state contract.
    • (e) If the Department of Corrections' Adult Probation and Parole chooses, for whatever reason, not to use the office space offered by Iron County, Iron County is not liable for, and need not pay, the state the value of that estimated rent.

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