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(1) Before imposing an impact fee, each local political subdivision or private entity shall, except as provided in Subsection (3), prepare an impact fee facilities plan to determine the public facilities required to serve development resulting from new development activity.
(2) A municipality or county need not prepare a separate impact fee facilities plan if the general plan required by Section 10-9a-401 or 17-27a-401, respectively, contains the elements required by Section 11-36a-302.
(3) A local political subdivision or a private entity with a population, or serving a population, of less than 5,000 as of the last federal census that charges impact fees of less than $250,000 annually need not comply with the impact fee facilities plan requirements of this part, but shall ensure that:
(a) the impact fees that the local political subdivision or private entity imposes are based upon a reasonable plan that otherwise complies with the common law and this chapter; and
(b) each applicable notice required by this chapter is given.