Definitions -- Assessment of property if threatened or endangered species is present.

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  • (1) As used in this section:
    • (a) "Endangered" is as defined in Section 23-13-2.
    • (b) "Threatened" is as defined in Section 23-13-2.
  • (2) In assessing the fair market value of property, a county assessor shall consider as part of the determination of fair market value whether a threatened or endangered species is present on any portion of the property, including any impacts the presence of the threatened or endangered species has on:
    • (a) the functionality of the property;
    • (b) the ability to use the property; and
    • (c) property rights.
  • (3) This section does not prohibit a county assessor from including as part of a determination of the fair market value of property any other factor affecting the fair market value of the property.

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