Mitigation review panel.

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  • (1) A mitigation review panel may be convened to review the depredation mitigation plans.
  • (2) Membership of the mitigation review panel shall consist of:
    • (a) the division director or the director's designee;
    • (b)
      • (i) the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food or the commissioner's designee; or
      • (ii) a representative of agricultural interests appointed by the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food; and
    • (c) a representative of Utah State University Extension Service appointed by the Vice President and Dean for University Extension.
  • (3)
    • (a) The division director shall convene a mitigation review panel if:
      • (i) a landowner or lessee appeals a depredation mitigation plan under Subsection 23-16-3.1(2)(b)(ii); or
      • (ii) the division director requests review of a depredation mitigation plan.
    • (b) Within five business days of an appeal under Subsection 23-16-3.1(2)(b)(ii) or a division request for review under Subsection 23-16-3.1(3)(b), the mitigation review panel shall review the depredation mitigation plan and approve or modify the plan.
  • (4) Judicial review of a mitigation review panel action shall be governed by Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.

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