Use of recycling bins -- Prohibited items -- Penalties.

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  • (1) As used in this section:
    • (a) "Recycling" means the process of collecting materials diverted from the waste stream for reuse.
    • (b) "Recycling bin" means any receptacle made available to the public by a governmental entity or private business for the collection of any source-separated item for recycling purposes.
  • (2) It is an infraction to place any prohibited item or substance in a recycling bin if the bin is posted with the following information printed legibly in basic English:
    • (a) a descriptive list of the items that may be deposited in the recycling bin, entitled in boldface capital letters: "ITEMS YOU MAY DEPOSIT IN THIS RECYCLING BIN:";
    • (b) at the end of the list in Subsection (2)(a), the following statement in boldface capital letters: "REMOVING FROM THIS BIN ANY ITEM THAT IS LISTED ABOVE AND THAT YOU DID NOT PLACE IN THE CONTAINER IS THE CRIMINAL OFFENSE OF THEFT, PUNISHABLE BY LAW.";
    • (c) the following statement in boldface capital letters: "DEPOSIT OF ANY OTHER ITEM IN THIS RECYCLING BIN IS AGAINST THE LAW.";
    • (d) the following statement in boldface capital letters, posted on the recycling collection container in close proximity to the notices required under Subsections (2)(a), (b), and (c): "PLACING ANY ITEM OR SUBSTANCE IN THIS RECYCLING BIN OTHER THAN THOSE ALLOWED IN THE LIST POSTED ON THIS BIN IS AN INFRACTION, PUNISHABLE BY A MAXIMUM FINE OF $750."; and
    • (e) the name and telephone number of the entity that owns the recycling bin or is responsible for its placement and maintenance.

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