Reporting on the suspension or modification of certain statutes or rules or the suspension of the enforcement of a statute.
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(1) The governor and the Department of Public Safety shall report the following to the Legislative Management Committee:
(a) a suspension or modification of a statute or rule under Subsection 53-2a-204(1)(j); or
(b) a suspension of the enforcement of a statute under Subsection 53-2a-209(3).
(2) The governor and the Department of Public Safety shall make the report required by this section on or before the sooner of:
(a) the day on which the governor calls the Legislature into session; or
(b) seven days after the date the governor declares the state of emergency to which the suspension or modification relates.
(3) The Legislative Management Committee shall review the suspension or modification of a statute or rule or the suspension of the enforcement of a statute described in Subsection (1) and may:
(a) recommend:
(i) that the governor continue the suspension or modification of the statute or rule or the suspension of the enforcement of the statute; and
(ii) the length of the suspension or modification of the statute or rule or the suspension of the enforcement of the statute;
(b) recommend that the governor terminate the suspension or modification of the statute or rule or the suspension of the enforcement of the statute; or
(c) recommend to the governor that the governor call a special session of the Legislature to review and approve or reject the suspension or modification of the statute or rule or the suspension of the enforcement of the statute.