Bond for manufacturing license.

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  • (1)
    • (a) A manufacturing licensee shall post a cash bond or surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000 payable to the department.
    • (b) A manufacturing licensee shall procure and maintain a bond required by this section for as long as the manufacturing licensee continues to operate as a manufacturing licensee.
  • (2) A bond posted under this section shall be:
    • (a) in a form approved by the attorney general; and
    • (b) conditioned upon a manufacturing licensee's faithful compliance with this title and the rules of the commission.
  • (3) If a surety bond posted by a manufacturing licensee under this section is cancelled due to a manufacturing licensee's negligence, the department may assess a $300 reinstatement fee.
  • (4) No part of a bond posted under this section may be withdrawn during the period the manufacturing license is in effect.
  • (5)
    • (a) A bond posted by a manufacturing licensee under this section may be forfeited if the manufacturing license is revoked.
    • (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the department may make a claim against a bond posted by a manufacturing licensee for money owed the department under this title without the commission first revoking the manufacturing license.

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