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(a) After a petition for termination of parental rights is filed, notice shall:
(i) be provided to the parents, the guardian, the individual or agency having legal custody of the child, and any individual acting in loco parentis to the child; and
(ii) indicate the:
(A) nature of the petition;
(B) time and place of the hearing;
(C) right to counsel; and
(D) right to the appointment of counsel for a party whom the juvenile court determines is indigent and at risk of losing the party's parental rights.
(b) The notice described in Subsection (1)(a), or a separate notice subsequently issued, shall contain a statement to the effect that the rights of the parent or parents are proposed to be permanently terminated in the proceedings.
(2) The juvenile court shall hold a hearing specifically on the question of termination of parental rights no sooner than 10 days after the day on which the notice described in Subsection (1) is served.