Higher education employees' eligibility requirements -- Election between different retirement plans -- Classification requirements -- Transfer between systems -- One-time election window -- Rulemaking.
Higher education employees' eligibility requirements -- Election between different retirement plans -- Classification requirements -- Transfer between systems -- One-time election window -- Rulemaking.
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(a) A regular full-time employee of an institution of higher education who is eligible to participate in either this system or in a retirement system with a public or private retirement system, organization, or company, designated as described in Subsection (1)(c) or (d), shall, not later than January 1, 1979, elect to participate exclusively in this system or in an annuity contract allowed under this Subsection (1)(a).
(b) The election is final, and no right exists to make any further election.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(d), the Utah Board of Higher Education shall designate the public or private retirement systems, organizations, or companies that a regular full-time employee of an institution of higher education is eligible to participate in under Subsection (1)(a).
(d) The technical college board of trustees of each technical college shall designate the public or private retirement systems, organizations, or companies that a regular full-time employee of each technical college is eligible to participate in under Subsection (1)(a).
(a) Except as provided under Subsection (2)(c), a regular full-time employee hired by an institution of higher education after January 1, 1979, may participate only in the retirement plan which attaches to the person's employment classification.
(b) Each institution of higher education shall prepare or amend existing employment classifications, under the direction of the Utah Board of Higher Education, or the technical college board of trustees of each technical college for regular full-time employees of each technical college, so that each classification is assigned with either:
(i) this system; or
(ii) a public or private system, organization, or company designated by:
(A) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(B), the Utah Board of Higher Education; or
(B) the technical college board of trustees of each technical college for regular full-time employees of each technical college.
(c) Notwithstanding a person's employment classification assignment under Subsection (2)(b), a regular full-time employee who begins employment with an institution of higher education on or after May 11, 2010, has a one-time irrevocable election to continue participation in this system, if the employee has service credit in this system before the date of employment.
(3) Notwithstanding an employment classification assignment change made under Subsection (2)(b), a regular full-time employee hired by an institution of higher education after January 1, 1979, whose employment classification requires participation in this system may elect to continue participation in this system.
(4) A regular full-time employee hired by an institution of higher education after January 1, 1979, whose employment classification requires participation in this system shall participate in this system.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a regular full-time employee of an institution of higher education whose employment classification assignment under Subsection (2)(b) required participation in a retirement program other than this system shall have a one-time irrevocable election to participate in this system.
(b) The election under Subsection (5)(a) shall be made before June 30, 2010.
(c) All forms required by the office must be completed and received by the office no later than June 30, 2010, for the election to participate in this system to be effective.
(d) Beginning July 1, 2010, a regular full-time employee of an institution of higher education who elects to be covered by this system under Subsection (5)(a) may begin to accrue service credit in this system.
(6) A regular full-time employee of an institution of higher education who elects to be covered by this system under Subsection (2)(c) or (5)(a) may purchase periods of employment while covered under another retirement program by complying with the requirements of Section 49-11-403.
(7) The board shall make rules to implement this section.
(8) An employee's participation or election described in this section:
(a) shall be made in accordance with this section; and
(b) is subject to requirements under federal law and rules made by the board.