Damaging bridge, dam, canal or other water-related structure.
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(1) A person is guilty of a third degree felony who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly commits an offense under Subsection (2) that does not amount to a violation of Subsection 76-6-106(2)(b)(ii).
(2) Offenses referred to in Subsection (1) are when a person:
(a) cuts, breaks, damages, or destroys any bridge, dam, canal, flume, aqueduct, levee, embankment, reservoir, or other structure erected to create hydraulic power, to drain or reclaim any swamp and overflowed or marsh land, to conduct water for mining, manufacturing, reclamation, or agricultural purposes, or for the supply of the inhabitants of any city or town;
(b) makes or causes to be made any aperture in any dam, canal, flume, aqueduct, reservoir, embankment, levee, or structure with intent to injure or destroy it; or
(c) draws up, cuts, or injures any piles fixed in the ground and used for securing any lake or river bank or walls or any dock, quay, jetty, or lock.