Policies and objectives of the port authority -- Additional duties of the port authority.

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  • (1) The policies and objectives of the authority are to:
    • (a) maximize long-term economic benefits to the area, the region, and the state;
    • (b) maximize the creation of high-quality jobs;
    • (c) respect and maintain sensitivity to the unique natural environment of areas in proximity to the authority jurisdictional land and land in other authority project areas;
    • (d) improve air quality and minimize resource use;
    • (e) respect existing land use and other agreements and arrangements between property owners within the authority jurisdictional land and within other authority project areas and applicable governmental authorities;
    • (f) promote and encourage development and uses that are compatible with or complement uses in areas in proximity to the authority jurisdictional land or land in other authority project areas;
    • (g) take advantage of the authority jurisdictional land's strategic location and other features, including the proximity to transportation and other infrastructure and facilities, that make the authority jurisdictional land attractive to:
      • (i) businesses that engage in regional, national, or international trade; and
      • (ii) businesses that complement businesses engaged in regional, national, or international trade;
    • (h) facilitate the transportation of goods;
    • (i) coordinate trade-related opportunities to export Utah products nationally and internationally;
    • (j) support and promote land uses on the authority jurisdictional land and land in other authority project areas that generate economic development, including rural economic development;
    • (k) establish a project of regional significance;
    • (l) facilitate an intermodal facility;
    • (m) support uses of the authority jurisdictional land for inland port uses, including warehousing, light manufacturing, and distribution facilities;
    • (n) facilitate an increase in trade in the region and in global commerce;
    • (o) promote the development of facilities that help connect local businesses to potential foreign markets for exporting or that increase foreign direct investment;
    • (p) encourage all class 5 though 8 designated truck traffic entering the authority jurisdictional land to meet the heavy-duty highway compression-ignition diesel engine and urban bus exhaust emission standards for year 2007 and later; and
    • (q) encourage the development and use of cost-efficient renewable energy in project areas.
  • (2) In fulfilling its duties and responsibilities relating to the development of the authority jurisdictional land and land in other authority project areas and to achieve and implement the development policies and objectives under Subsection (1), the authority shall:
    • (a) work to identify funding sources, including federal, state, and local government funding and private funding, for capital improvement projects in and around the authority jurisdictional land and land in other authority project areas and for an inland port;
    • (b) review and identify land use and zoning policies and practices to recommend to municipal land use policymakers and administrators that are consistent with and will help to achieve:
      • (i) the policies and objectives stated in Subsection (1); and
      • (ii) the mutual goals of the state and local governments that have authority jurisdictional land with their boundaries with respect to the authority jurisdictional land;
    • (c) consult and coordinate with other applicable governmental entities to improve and enhance transportation and other infrastructure and facilities in order to maximize the potential of the authority jurisdictional land to attract, retain, and service users who will help maximize the long-term economic benefit to the state; and
    • (d) pursue policies that the board determines are designed to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts of development.
  • (3)
    • (a) The authority may use property tax differential and other authority money to encourage, incentivize, or require development that:
      • (i) mitigates noise, air pollution, light pollution, surface and groundwater pollution, and other negative environmental impacts;
      • (ii) mitigates traffic congestion; or
      • (iii) uses high efficiency building construction and operation.
    • (b)
      • (i) In consultation with the municipality in which development is expected to occur, the authority shall establish minimum mitigation and environmental standards that a landowner is required to meet to qualify for the use of property tax differential in the landowner's development.
      • (ii) The authority may not use property tax differential for a landowner's development in a project area unless the minimum mitigation and environmental standards are followed with respect to that landowner's development.
    • (c) The authority may develop and implement world-class, state-of-the-art, zero-emissions logistics that support continued growth of the state's economy in order to:
      • (i) promote the state as the global center of efficient and sustainable supply chain logistics;
      • (ii) facilitate the efficient movement of goods on roads and rails and through the air;
      • (iii) benefit the commercial viability of developers, landowners, and tenants and users; and
      • (iv) attract capital and expertise in pursuit of the next generation of logistics solutions.

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