Commission duties -- Reporting requirements.

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Affected by 63I-1-263 on 7/1/2023

Effective 3/11/2021
63C-18-203. Commission duties -- Reporting requirements.
  • (1) The commission shall:
    • (a) identify a method to integrate existing local mental health crisis lines to ensure each individual who accesses a local mental health crisis line is connected to a qualified mental or behavioral health professional, regardless of the time, date, or number of individuals trying to simultaneously access the local mental health crisis line;
    • (b) study how to establish and implement a statewide mental health crisis line and a statewide warm line, including identifying:
      • (i) a statewide phone number or other means for an individual to easily access the statewide mental health crisis line, including a short code for text messaging and a three-digit number for calls;
      • (ii) a statewide phone number or other means for an individual to easily access the statewide warm line, including a short code for text messaging and a three-digit number for calls;
      • (iii) a supply of:
        • (A) qualified mental or behavioral health professionals to staff the statewide mental health crisis line; and
        • (B) qualified mental or behavioral health professionals or certified peer support specialists to staff the statewide warm line; and
      • (iv) a funding mechanism to operate and maintain the statewide mental health crisis line and the statewide warm line;
    • (c) coordinate with local mental health authorities in fulfilling the commission's duties described in Subsections (1)(a) and (b); and
    • (d) recommend standards for the certifications described in Section 62A-15-1302.
  • (2) In preparation for the implementation of the statewide 988 hotline, the commission shall study and make recommendations regarding:
    • (a) crisis line practices and needs, including:
      • (i) quality and timeliness of service;
      • (ii) service volume projections;
      • (iii) a statewide assessment of crisis line staffing needs, including required certifications; and
      • (iv) a statewide assessment of technology needs;
    • (b) primary duties performed by crisis line workers;
    • (c) coordination or redistribution of secondary duties performed by crisis line workers, including responding to non-emergency calls;
    • (d) establishing a statewide 988 hotline:
      • (i) in accordance with federal law;
      • (ii) that ensures the efficient and effective routing of calls to an appropriate crisis center; and
      • (iii) that includes directly responding to calls with trained personnel and the provision of acute mental health, crisis outreach, and stabilization services;
    • (e) opportunities to increase operational and technological efficiencies and effectiveness between 988 and 911, utilizing current technology;
    • (f) needs for interoperability partnerships and policies related to 911 call transfers and public safety responses;
    • (g) standards for statewide mobile crisis outreach teams, including:
      • (i) current models and projected needs;
      • (ii) quality and timeliness of service;
      • (iii) hospital and jail diversions; and
      • (iv) staffing and certification;
    • (h) resource centers, including:
      • (i) current models and projected needs; and
      • (ii) quality and timeliness of service;
    • (i) policy considerations related to whether the state should:
      • (i) manage, operate, and pay for a complete behavioral health system; or
      • (ii) create partnerships with private industry; and
    • (j) sustainable funding source alternatives, including:
      • (i) charging a 988 fee, including a recommendation on the fee amount;
      • (ii) General Fund appropriations;
      • (iii) other government funding options;
      • (iv) private funding sources;
      • (v) grants;
      • (vi) insurance partnerships, including coverage for support and treatment after initial call and triage; and
      • (vii) other funding resources.
  • (3) The commission shall:
    • (a) before December 31, 2021, present an initial report on the matters described in Subsection (2), including any proposed legislation, to the Executive Appropriations Committee; and
    • (b) before December 31, 2022, present a final report on the items described in Subsection (2), including any proposed legislation, to the Executive Appropriations Committee.
  • (4) The duties described in Subsection (2) are removed on December 31, 2022.
  • (5) The commission may conduct other business related to the commission's duties described in this section.
  • (6) The commission shall consult with the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health regarding the standards and operation of the statewide mental health crisis line and the statewide warm line, in accordance with Title 62A, Chapter 15, Part 13, Statewide Mental Health Crisis Line and Statewide Warm Line.

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