Taking water out of turn or excess amount -- Damaging facilities.
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(1) No person may, in violation of any right of any other person knowingly or intentionally:
(a) turn or use the water, or any part thereof, of any canal, ditch, pipeline, or reservoir, except at a time when the use of the water has been duly distributed to the person;
(b) use any greater quantity of the water than has been duly distributed to him;
(c) in any way change the flow of water when lawfully distributed for irrigation or other useful purposes, except when duly authorized to make the change; or
(d) break or injure any dam, canal, pipeline, watergate, ditch, or other means of diverting or conveying water for irrigation or other useful purposes.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to violations of any right to the use of water, including:
(a) a water right; or
(b) authorization of a person's use of water by:
(i) a water company, as defined in Subsection 73-3-3.5(1)(b); or
(ii) an entity having a valid water right under Utah law.
(3) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a crime punishable under Section 73-2-27.