Commission duties.

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  • (1) The commission shall:
    • (a) develop guiding standards and best practices with respect to government privacy practices;
    • (b) develop educational and training materials that include information about:
      • (i) the privacy implications and civil liberties concerns of the privacy practices of government entities;
      • (ii) best practices for government collection and retention policies regarding personal data; and
      • (iii) best practices for government personal data security standards; and
    • (c) review the privacy implications and civil liberties concerns of government privacy practices.
  • (2) The commission may:
    • (a) review specific government privacy practices as referred to the commission by the government operations privacy officer described in Section 67-1-17 or the state privacy officer described in Section 67-3-13; and
    • (b) develop recommendations for legislation regarding the guiding standards and best practices the commission has developed in accordance with Subsection (1)(a).
  • (3) Annually, on or before October 1, the commission shall report to the Judiciary Interim Committee:
    • (a) the results of any reviews the commission has conducted;
    • (b) the guiding standards and best practices described in Subsection (1)(a); and
    • (c) any recommendations for legislation the commission has developed in accordance with Subsection (2)(b).

Technically renumbered to avoid duplication of section number also enacted in HB288, Chapter 171.

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