Invasive species prohibited -- Administrative inspection authorized.

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  • (1) Except as authorized in this title or a board rule or order, a person may not:
    • (a) possess, import, export, ship, or transport a Dreissena mussel;
    • (b) release, place, plant, or cause to be released, placed, or planted a Dreissena mussel in a water body, facility, or water supply system; or
    • (c) transport a conveyance or equipment that has been in an infested water within the previous 30 days without decontaminating the conveyance or equipment.
  • (2) A person who violates Subsection (1):
    • (a) is strictly liable;
    • (b) is guilty of an infraction; and
    • (c) shall reimburse the state for all costs associated with detaining, quarantining, and decontaminating the conveyance or equipment.
  • (3) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates Subsection (1) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
  • (4) A person may not proceed past or travel through an inspection station or administrative checkpoint, as described in Section 23-27-301, while transporting a conveyance during an inspection station's or administrative checkpoint's hours of operations without presenting the conveyance for inspection.
  • (5) A person who violates Subsection (4) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

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