Division authority to dispose of sovereign land in exchange for Utah Lake restoration project -- Criteria.
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(1) Subject to the approval of the Legislative Management Committee, the division may dispose of appropriately available state land in and around Utah Lake as compensation for the comprehensive restoration of Utah Lake under a restoration proposal if the division finds that the restoration project will:
(a) restore the clarity and quality of the water in Utah Lake;
(b) conserve water resources in and around Utah Lake;
(c) preserve the water storage and water supply functions of Utah Lake;
(d) remove invasive plant and animal species, including phragmites and carp, from Utah Lake;
(e) restore littoral zone and other plant communities in and around Utah Lake;
(f) restore and conserve native fish and other aquatic species in Utah Lake, including Bonneville cutthroat trout and June Sucker;
(g) increase the suitability of Utah Lake and its surrounding areas for shore birds, waterfowl, and other avian species;
(h) improve navigability of Utah Lake;
(i) maximize, enhance, and ensure recreational access and opportunities on Utah Lake;
(j) preserve current water rights related to water associated with Utah Lake; and
(k) otherwise improve the use of Utah Lake for residents and visitors.
(2) In determining whether to dispose of state land in exchange for the execution of a restoration project, as provided in Subsection (1) and pursuant to a restoration proposal, the division shall consider:
(a) the potential that the restoration project presents for additional revenue to state and local government entities;
(b) the ability of the proposed use of the state land given in exchange for the restoration project to enhance state property adjacent to Utah Lake;
(c) the proposed timetable for completion of the restoration project;
(d) the ability of the person who submits a restoration project to execute and complete the restoration project satisfactorily; and
(e) the desirability of the proposed use of Utah Lake and the surrounding areas as a result of the restoration project.