Creation of Utah Inland Port Authority -- Status and purposes.

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  • (1) Under the authority of Article XI, Section 8 of the Utah Constitution, there is created the Utah Inland Port Authority.
  • (2) The authority is:
    • (a) an independent, nonprofit, separate body corporate and politic, with perpetual succession;
    • (b) a political subdivision of the state; and
    • (c) a public corporation, as defined in Section 63E-1-102.
  • (3)
    • (a) The purpose of the authority is to fulfill the statewide public purpose of working in concert with applicable state and local government entities, property owners and other private parties, and other stakeholders to encourage and facilitate development of the authority jurisdictional land and land in other authority project areas to maximize the long-term economic and other benefit for the state, consistent with the strategies, policies, and objectives described in this chapter, including:
      • (i) the development of inland port uses on the authority jurisdictional land and on land in other authority project areas;
      • (ii) the development of infrastructure to support inland port uses and associated uses on the authority jurisdictional land and on land in other authority project areas; and
      • (iii) other development on the authority jurisdictional land and on land in other authority project areas.
    • (b) The duties and responsibilities of the authority under this chapter are beyond the scope and capacity of a municipality, which has many other responsibilities and functions that appropriately command the attention and resources of the municipality, and are not municipal functions of purely local concern but are matters of regional and statewide concern, importance, interest, and impact, due to multiple factors, including:
      • (i) the strategic location of the authority jurisdictional land in proximity to significant existing and potential transportation infrastructure, including infrastructure provided and maintained by the state, conducive to facilitating regional, national, and international trade and the businesses and facilities that promote and complement that trade;
      • (ii) the enormous potential for regional and statewide economic and other benefit that can come from the appropriate development of the authority jurisdictional land, including the establishment of a thriving inland port;
      • (iii) the regional and statewide impact that the development of the authority jurisdictional land will have; and
      • (iv) the considerable investment the state is making in connection with the development of the new correctional facility and associated infrastructure located on the authority jurisdictional land.
    • (c) The authority is the mechanism the state chooses to focus resources and efforts on behalf of the state to ensure that the regional and statewide interests, concerns, and purposes described in this Subsection (3) are properly addressed from more of a statewide perspective than any municipality can provide.

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