Commission's power to issue an arena license.

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  • (1) Before a person as an arena under a single license may store, sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the consumption of an alcoholic product on sublicensed premises, the person shall first obtain an arena license from the commission in accordance with this part.
  • (2)
    • (a) Beginning November 1, 2020, the commission may issue to a person an arena license to allow the storage, sale, offer for sale, furnishing, and consumption of an alcoholic product in connection with the arena designated in the arena license, if the person operates at least three sublicenses under the arena license, including:
      • (i) one of which is an on-premise banquet sublicense;
      • (ii) one of which is:
        • (A) a full-service restaurant sublicense;
        • (B) a limited-service restaurant sublicense;
        • (C) a beer-only restaurant sublicense; or
        • (D) a bar establishment sublicense; and
      • (iii) one of which is an on-premise beer retailer sublicense that is not a tavern.
    • (b) An arena license shall:
      • (i) consist of:
        • (A) a general arena license; and
        • (B) three or more sublicenses meeting the requirements of Subsection (2)(a); and
      • (ii) designate the enclosed building that is the arena.
    • (c) This chapter does not prohibit an alcoholic product in an arena to the extent otherwise permitted by this title.
  • (3) The commission may not issue a total number of arena licenses that at any time totals more than 10.

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