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  • (1) "Employment invention" means any invention or part thereof conceived, developed, reduced to practice, or created by an employee which is:
    • (a) conceived, developed, reduced to practice, or created by the employee:
      • (i) within the scope of his employment;
      • (ii) on his employer's time; or
      • (iii) with the aid, assistance, or use of any of his employer's property, equipment, facilities, supplies, resources, or intellectual property;
    • (b) the result of any work, services, or duties performed by an employee for his employer;
    • (c) related to the industry or trade of the employer; or
    • (d) related to the current or demonstrably anticipated business, research, or development of the employer.
  • (2) "Intellectual property" means any and all patents, trade secrets, know-how, technology, confidential information, ideas, copyrights, trademarks, and service marks and any and all rights, applications, and registrations relating to them.

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