Bus hijacking -- Assault with intent to commit hijacking -- Use of a dangerous weapon -- Penalties.
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(a) A person is guilty of bus hijacking if the person seizes or exercises control, by force or violence or threat of force or violence, of a bus within the state.
(b) Bus hijacking is a first degree felony.
(a) A person is guilty of assault with the intent to commit bus hijacking if the person intimidates, threatens, or commits assault or battery toward a driver, attendant, guard, or any other person in control of a bus so as to interfere with the performance of duties by the person.
(b) Assault with the intent to commit bus hijacking is a second degree felony.
(3) A person who, in the commission of assault with intent to commit bus hijacking, uses a dangerous weapon, as defined in Section 76-1-601, is guilty of a first degree felony.