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  • (1) "Manufactured home" is as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
  • (2) "Mobile home" is as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
  • (3) "Transportable factory-built housing unit" means a:
    • (a) mobile home; or
    • (b) manufactured home.
  • (4) "Transportable factory-built housing unit park" means any tract of land on which two or more unit spaces are:
    • (a) leased;
    • (b) rented; or
    • (c) offered for:
      • (i) lease; or
      • (ii) rent.
  • (5) "Unit space" means a specific area of land within a transportable factory-built housing unit park that is designed to accommodate one transportable factory-built housing unit for residential purposes.

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