Persons residing in certain institutions authorized to fish without license.

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  • (1) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall permit a person to fish without a license if:
    • (a)
      • (i) the person resides in:
        • (A) the Utah State Developmental Center in American Fork;
        • (B) the state hospital;
        • (C) a veterans hospital;
        • (D) a veterans nursing home;
        • (E) a mental health center;
        • (F) an intermediate care facility for people with an intellectual disability;
        • (G) a group home licensed by the Department of Human Services and operated under contract with the Division of Services for People with Disabilities;
        • (H) a group home or other community-based placement licensed by the Department of Human Services and operated under contract with the Division of Juvenile Justice Services;
        • (I) a private residential facility for at-risk youth licensed by the Department of Human Services; or
        • (J) another similar institution approved by the division; or
      • (ii) the person is a youth who participates in a work camp operated by the Division of Juvenile Justice Services;
    • (b) the person is properly supervised by a representative of the institution; and
    • (c) the institution obtains from the division a certificate of registration that specifies:
      • (i) the date and place where the person will fish; and
      • (ii) the name of the institution's representative who will supervise the person fishing.
  • (2) The institution shall apply for the certificate of registration at least 10 days before the fishing outing.
  • (3)
    • (a) An institution that receives a certificate of registration authorizing at-risk youth to fish shall provide instruction to the youth on fishing laws and regulations.
    • (b) The division shall provide educational materials to the institution to assist it in complying with Subsection (3)(a).

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