Persons participating in youth organization or school activity authorized to fish without license.

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  • (1) As used in this section:
    • (a) "School" means an elementary school or a secondary school that:
      • (i) is a public or private school located in the state; and
      • (ii) provides student instruction for one or more years of kindergarten through grade 9.
    • (b) "Youth organization" means a local Utah chapter of:
      • (i) the Boy Scouts of America;
      • (ii) the Girls Scouts of the USA; or
      • (iii) an organization that:
        • (A) is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code; and
        • (B) promotes character building through outdoor activities.
  • (2) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall permit a person to fish without a license during a youth organization or school activity if:
    • (a) the person is:
      • (i)
        • (A) a member of the youth organization; or
        • (B) a student enrolled in the school; and
      • (ii) younger than 16 years old;
    • (b) the fishing is in compliance with all fishing statutes and rules;
    • (c) the activity is part of a recreational or instructional program of the youth organization or school; and
    • (d) an adult leader of the activity obtains from the youth organization or school:
      • (i) a valid tour permit; or
      • (ii) documentation that specifies:
        • (A) the date and place of the fishing activity;
        • (B) the name of the adult leader that will supervise the fishing; and
        • (C) that the activity is officially sanctioned or authorized by the youth organization or school.
  • (3)
    • (a) The adult leader shall:
      • (i) possess a valid Utah fishing or combination license; and
      • (ii) instruct the activity participants on fishing statutes and rules.
    • (b) The division shall provide educational materials on its website to assist the adult leader in complying with Subsection (3)(a).
  • (4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the Wildlife Board shall adopt rules specifying the form of the documentation required under Subsection (2)(d)(ii).

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