Relation to other laws.

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  • (1)
    • (a) It is not the intent of this part to prescribe or limit the regulation of pornographic materials or materials harmful to minors, and counties, cities, and other political subdivisions are specifically given the right to further regulate the materials.
    • (b) Without limitation, a political subdivision may further regulate materials by ordinances relating to:
      • (i) zoning;
      • (ii) licensing;
      • (iii) public nuisances;
      • (iv) a specific type of business such as adult bookstores or drive-in movies; or
      • (v) use of blinder racks.
  • (2) It is not the intent of this part to preclude the application of other laws of this state to pornographic materials or materials harmful to minors. Specifically, without limitation, this part is not in derogation of Sections 76-10-803 and 76-10-806.
  • (3) The commission of a crime under this part shall be considered to offend public decency under Section 76-10-803. It is the intent of this part to give the broadest meaning permissible under the federal and state constitutions to the words "offends public decency" in Section 76-10-803.

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