Injunctive relief -- Jurisdiction -- Consent to be sued.

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  • (1) The district courts of this state shall have full power, authority, and jurisdiction, upon application by any county attorney or city attorney within their respective jurisdictions or the attorney general, to issue any and all proper restraining orders, preliminary and permanent injunctions, and any other writs and processes appropriate to carry out and enforce the provisions of this part. No restraining order or injunction, however, shall issue except upon notice to the person sought to be enjoined. That person shall be entitled to a trial of the issues commencing within three days after filing of an answer to the complaint and a decision shall be rendered by the court within two days after the conclusion of the trial. If a final order or judgment of injunction is entered against the person sought to be enjoined, this final order or judgment shall contain a provision directing the person to surrender to the sheriff of the county in which the action was brought any pornographic material in the person's possession which is subject to the injunction; and the sheriff shall be directed to seize and destroy this material.
  • (2) Any person not qualified to do business in the state who sends or brings any pornographic material into the state with the intent to distribute or exhibit it to others in this state consents that the person may be sued in any proceedings commenced under this section.

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